Seminar and Workshop on Intellectual Property for Thailand 4.0
Monday 7th and Tuesday 8th August 2017
Location: Grand Ballroom 3rd Floor Century Park Hotel Bangkok, Ratchaprarop Road, Bangkok
Please download documents below.
1. Information of the seminar IP for Thailand 4.0
2. Agenda of the seminar IP for Thailand 4.0
3. Map of Century Park Hotel
Note :
1. No. of participants 250-300
2. Please note that all registration fees pay at the front of meeting only
3. Registration fee: 3,500 ฿/person
4. The language of the Seminar/workshop will be English except Panel Discussion session I&II)
5. No refund will be given for cancellations requested. Replacement by another participant from the same institution is possible.
“Intellectual Property (IP) for Thailand 4.0”
The government’s New engines of growth under “Thailand 4.0” policy focus on 5 S-curves which are: Food, agriculture & bio-tech; Health, wellness & bio-medical; Smart devices robotics & Mechatronics; Digital & embedded technology; and Creative, culture & high value service. This makes researches and innovations have an important role in driving the economy. According to Global Innovation Index 2016 reported by Cornell University, INSEAD, and World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) factoring 7 Pillars with 82 measures which are 1) Institutions, 2) Human capital & research, 3) Infrastructure, 4) Market sophistication, 5) Business sophistication, 6) Knowledge & technology outputs, and 7) Creative outputs, Thailand is rank 52 from 128 countries and is the third in ASEAN having 7 countries, following Singapore and Malaysia.
There are various factors which affects the development in researches and innovations as well as commercialization or IP protection. Some of the factors are that the researchers do not realize the importance or they lack understanding in IP and they do not prioritize in patent database searching or Patent mapping before conducing a research. As a result, many of the researches in Thailand do not qualify for patent. Compared to patents from foreign countries, Thai patents are at the ratio of 15:85. Additionally, the researches do not respond to the market needs or the commercialization. SMEs and Startup entrepreneurs have many limitations in accessing research funds. From the situation, many organizations are in the progress of unraveling limitations and obstacles. For example, DIP has made a Roadmap in IP for the next 20 years to reorganize the IP system in Thailand such that it corresponds to the “Thailand 4.0” policy consisting of 6 areas which are Creation, Protection, Commercialization, and Enforcement including community and country IPs which we have a competitive potential which are Geographical Indication (GI), Genetic Resources (GRs), Traditional Knowledge (TK), and Traditional cultural expressions (TCEs).
Thus, the seminar is held to raise awareness on the importance of intellectual property for the economy drive in accordant with Thailand 4.0 policy which covers innovations or products from inventions or creations emphasizing on products of knowledge and skill which might be tangible or intangible. The seminar also aims to create learning experience and to exchange methods of managing and commercializing intellectual property for private sectors, government organizations and universities both in Thailand and in the international. It will focus on Patent, Industrial design and Trade secret. KNIT together with TRF and Axis Associates International Co., Ltd. will hold the seminar “Intellectual Property (IP) for Thailand 4.0” on 7-8 August 2017 at Century Park Hotel Bangkok to be the platform for exchanging knowledge between university administrators, research center and research fund administrators both in government and private sectors as well as interested researchers.
(1) To raise awareness on the importance of intellectual property in accordant with Thailand 4.0 policy
(2) To create learning experience and to exchange methods of managing and commercializing intellectual property for the participants or the participant’s organizations
Expected Benefits
(1) Seminar participant realizes the importance of IP management
(2) Seminar participant learns outlines and examples of IP managements and IP commercialization for the participants or the participant’s organizations
Target Audience
University administrators, research center and research fund administrators both in government and private sectors, and interested researchers, 150-200 people.
Policy and Roadmap of the Country – The “Thailand 4.0” policy, roles and importance of intellectual property for the economy drive, and intellectual property roadmap of the country as well as the support measures for making use of intellectual property from the related organizations.
Situation in Foreign Countries – IP management in Singapore and Japan including example cases of the use of IPs.
Situation in Thailand – Innovation and IP management of private sectors and universities in Thailand including example cases of the creation of technology and innovation in electronics, food, and medical equipment fields and the commercialization of the innovations and IPs.
Registration fee: 3,500 ฿/person
Please note that all registration fees pay at the front of meeting only
Knowledge Network Institute of Thailand
Higher Education Building 2, 19th Floor, 328 Sri-Ayudhaya Rd, Rajdhawee, Bangkok 10400
Ms. Ratchanee Boonpa
Email :
Tel : 021267632-34
Fax : 021267635